The X Files’ın yeni sezonunun set arkasından oyuncuların paylaştığı fotoğraflar.
1 yorum Siyah Giyen Adam 01 Eylül 2015 23:09

Yeni sezonu sabırsızlıkla bekleyenler biraz bunlarla yetinelim.
— Annabeth Gish (@annabethgish) August 31, 2015
Best photo bomb in @thexfiles history! @davidduchovny @MitchPileggi1 @BarackObama pic.twitter.com/1tZAdAgtR1
— Gillian Anderson (@GillianA) August 19, 2015
…or THIS one, @RobbieAmell! It's Agent Miller time! pic.twitter.com/cUTdB5Q2BU
— Gillian Anderson (@GillianA) July 29, 2015
Time to start an X-Files Lego campaign?! pic.twitter.com/w0Y07ynRPf
— Gillian Anderson (@GillianA) July 24, 2015
I'm so happy 4 and 2 could join us for the picture. #XFiles RT @MitchPileggi1: http://t.co/lw7zAaEFks
— Joel McHale (@joelmchale) August 26, 2015