Elizabeth Tulloch, ortak bölümlerde Lois Lane’i canlandıracak.

The CW, Lois Lane’ini buldu.
Margot Kidder, Teri Hatcher, Amy Adams, Kate Bosworth, Noel Neill, Phyllis Coates, Erica Durance, Megan Fox, Uma Thurman, Dana Delany, Mandy Moore, Stana Katic ve Pauley Perrette’nin canlandırdığı ya da seslendirdiği DC evreninin en ikonik karakterlerinden Lois Lane’e bu sefer, 6 sezon boyunca NBC’nin fantastik draması Grimm’de rol alan Elizabeth (Bitsie) Tulloch hayat verecek.

9-11 Aralık tarihleri arasında yayınlanacak olan Arrow, The Flash ve Supergirl’ün ortak bölümlerinde kendisini izleyebileceğiz.
Bu gönderiyi Instagram’da gör
Excuse me while I fangirl for a moment: I am so excited (thank you Warner Brothers, the CW, DC Comics, @gberlanti, @davidrapaport, Jessica Queller et al) to be playing the iconic Lois Lane on the Arrowverse crossover episodes. And I can’t wait to work with my friend @dpanabaker and of course @tylerhoechlin 😉 When I started acting, one of my teachers asked me to watch the screen tests for the role of Lois Lane for 1978’s Superman. All of the actresses were terrific, but it was always clear to me why Margot Kidder won the role: she seemed lit from within, full of joie de vivre. Now, at a time when the noble profession of journalism feels under siege, it’s a privilege to join the club of actresses who have played the dogged reporter. As far back as 1938 when she first appeared in Action Comics #1, Lois Lane has defied and subverted society’s expectations of how women should behave. She was portrayed as opinionated, inquisitive, and an unapologetically badass career woman at a time when many representations of women leaned more towards meek and demure. One of the reasons the character has remained so compelling for the last 80 years is that she has all these formidable, strong-willed qualities, but she’s also vulnerable, romantic, and feminine. A truly modern woman. ❤️
Elizabeth Tulloch (@bitsietulloch)’in paylaştığı bir gönderi (14 Eyl, 2018, 11:16öö PDT)
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